Sooty and Sweep

Sooty Owls are beautiful, enigmatic Tytos that I have “craved” seeing since moving back to Australia. I’ve had several chances…

Neophema Box Set

The Neophemas are a family of 6 dainty and strikingly beautiful parrots, endemic to Australia. Along with grasswrens, they are…

Last chance to see

Tasmania, Dec 2017 Ever since I returned to Australia I have had my eye on a trip to Tasmania. At…

The Belair Twitch Project

In October of 2017, three birders went into the woods… Two years ago I did my first “Big Day”, an…

Birdsville Track, part 2

Day 3, Mungerannie to Pandiburra  At 5am a flock of around 200 Galahs descended onto some dead trees above our…

Birdsville Track, part 1

Prologue In September 2016 I had some time booked for a birding trip to the South Australian outback. Paul Coddington…

Hot in the (Biggest) City

In early August I was invited as a “Distinguished Lecturer” at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.  This involved a 2 week…